Monday, December 16, 2013


Storyteller Preschool

My favorite moment from Storyteller today was when we arrived- all of the kids ran up to meet us! We spent some time playing hide-and-go-seek, and when I asked one of the kids if he wanted to play something else, he said yes, and we ended up having a great time together. Today I learned that it doesn't take much to make a kid smile. Before today, I never new I had the power to make so many little kids smile! The one time I felt uncomfortable was when a little girl who did not want to play anything just sat by herself. I felt uncomfortable because I wanted to make her happy, but I did not know how. I feel that I could have changed this by just reaching out to her. 

-Charlie M.

Charlie building structures with a friend at Storyteller

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie,
    Thanks for your entry about your story teller experiences. It brought a smile to my face when I read about the kids running to greet your team. What a neat feeling that must have been. I appreciated your reminder about how important a smile, a touch and a conversation is to others. It seems like your experiences with service learning is really having a impact on you and the kids in the community.
    Mrs. Ohrn
