Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Head Start Preschool 

The best part of my day today was seeing Carla smile when I pushed her on the swings. 
-Amanda M. 
Amanda and Carla

Maddy out on the playground!

Drawing with Amanda!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Storyteller Preschool

My favorite moment from Storyteller today was when we arrived- all of the kids ran up to meet us! We spent some time playing hide-and-go-seek, and when I asked one of the kids if he wanted to play something else, he said yes, and we ended up having a great time together. Today I learned that it doesn't take much to make a kid smile. Before today, I never new I had the power to make so many little kids smile! The one time I felt uncomfortable was when a little girl who did not want to play anything just sat by herself. I felt uncomfortable because I wanted to make her happy, but I did not know how. I feel that I could have changed this by just reaching out to her. 

-Charlie M.

Charlie building structures with a friend at Storyteller

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Wildlife Care Center

I really enjoyed visiting the Santa Barbara Wildlife Center. Even though we could not have a lot of physical interaction with the animals, we did the real hardcore service learning stuff: folding laundry, making bird food and washing dishes. I loved learning about the different birds and what their dietary needs are. I also liked being there and meeting Clyde the duck!

-Sofia M.F.
Sofia, Kyle, Charlie, Alex and Forest wrapping up a day of hard work!

Head Start Preschool

I went to Head Start yesterday and it was really great because I play with one girl named Ashley every time I go, but this time, she brought her friends to play too! We all read books together. The little girls loved the books about Barbie and also the books where you had to find objects in the drawings. I felt really happy that all of those little girls wanted to play with me! I felt that they really looked up to me and I thought that was really sweet. Before that visit to Head Start, I never thought I would read another Barbie book again, but I'm really happy I did because it brought back so many memories for me. One of the only problems I encountered while at the school was when I was playing with a group of kids, and one of them would want to go ride the trikes, and some of the others would want to play on the swings. I had to make compromises between them a lot. Next time, I plan to have one of my friends maybe take a few of them to do what they want, and I'll take the others to do what they want to do. I love going to Head Start Preschool. I wish we could go every day!

-Regan W.

Regan playing house!

All smiles here with Maddy and Jack 

Maddy and some of the sweet girls at Head Start

Amanda and friend on the farm!

Friday, December 6, 2013

CALM (Child Abuse Listening Mediation)

One family in need is going to be blown away this holiday season when this array of presents from Crane students and staff are dropped at their door! CALM is an organization that works to prevent child abuse and neglect. CALM provides prevention initiatives and rehabilitation services to its families. Crane 7th graders began supporting CALM last year during their Service Learning class. As part of an indirect service project, Crane students adopted a family from the CALM organization, and granted them their Christmas wish list. This year, students were again eager to participate in this holiday miracle. Even teachers wanted to pitch in! We are so grateful to be a part of a community that cares so deeply for others!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


StoryTeller Preschool

Today I felt proud of a little boy at StoryTeller. Last time we visited the school, the boy did not talk at all. His name is Andy. This time though, I had a conversation with him transitioning from English to Spanish.

- Kisea H.
Kisea and Andy making fast friends


Head Start Preschool

Stella, Tessa, Olivia, Josh and I went to Head Start Preschool in Carpinteria today. Something I learned is that our group interacts with children very well. The director complimented us on how much the kids look forward to our visit. Also, the directors said they were proud of the great influence we are able to have on the children. Overall, it was a great learning experience for all of us.

- Clare B.

Claire B. is having a great time at Head Start!
The little ones love Josh!

Wildlife Care Center

Forest, Sofia, Alex, Kyle and I went to the Wildlife Care Center for the 3rd time. At the care center, we all did different jobs to help out. We either helped to fold and wash laundry, make food for the song birds, wash dishes or any number of other jobs that the director asks us to do. Something I learned is how hard it is to take care of these wild animals. Everyday, volunteers have to tend to their needs by washing cages, feeding them, administering medicine, and many other tasks. All of us are really interested in the animals they have there, including swans, seagulls, pelicans, other pelagic birds, and baby raccoons.

-Charlie Mac.

Santa Barbara County Food Bank

6th Grade Holiday Food and Funds Drive!

Help Us Help Others

This year, the sixth graders are running the “Food and Funds” drive for the Santa Barbara County Food Bank. The Food Bank has asked for healthier foods this year such as wild or brown rice, and canned fruits in 100% juice or water. They have also asked us to bring in money so that they can buy fresh food for people such as salad, bread, and chicken. The Food Bank has gotten enough sponsors so that if one dollar is brought in, the Food Bank gets seventeen dollars from sponsors. The sixth grade has been doing their best to help out by putting up several posters, designing cheerful boxes to put the food in, and coloring jars to hold the money that is brought in. The “Food and Funds” drive ends December 20, 2013. By helping the Food Bank, the number of hungry people is decreasing, one dollar and one can at a time.

- Ainsley M. (6th)

Funds Incentive

Every $1 you donate = $17 at the Food Bank! You can bring your $ to the front office or your classroom! 

Food Items Needed by Grade

K: Rice, brown or wild

1st: Canned beans

2nd: Canned vegetables, low sodium

        Canned soups & stews, low sodium

3rd: Dry beans, lentils, peas

4th: Canned tuna & salmon

5th: Canned fruit in 100% juice/water

6th: Peanut & almond butters

7th: Olive & canola oils

8th: Coffee & tea

Bici Centro 12.4.13

Bici Centro

It was so satisfying to be able to replace the brakes on a bike today. We never thought we would be able to install a chain on our own! We felt like we were taking a risk when we changed the shifters and hubs. None of us thought we would actually be able to get it done, but we did!

- Sebastian, Carson, Katie, Mason, Sam and Sully 

Conway and Mr. Ingersoll check tire rotation on a child's bike
Ty is a natural when it comes to fixing bikes!
Conway and Oliver checking out some treads
The group getting instruction from Bici Centro volunteer coordinator
Conway doing some fine tuning
Oliver makes sure the spokes are intact
Ty working on cleaning up some gears
Oliver does some fine tuning